Warning: Undefined array key "ms_api_key" in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/apifootball/js/jqueryGlobals.php on line 5
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/apifootball/js/jqueryGlobals.php:5) in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/apifootball/js/jqueryGlobals.php on line 8
function setCookie(key, value, expiry) {
var expires = new Date();
expires.setTime(expires.getTime() + (expiry * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
document.cookie = key + '=' + value + ';path=/' + ';expires=' + expires.toUTCString();
function getCookie(key) {
var keyValue = document.cookie.match('(^|;) ?' + key + '=([^;]*)(;|$)');
return keyValue ? keyValue[2] : null;
// Store Widgetkey in cookies
// WidgetKey can be obtained from your account
var Widgetkey = getCookie('Widgetkey');
// Function that prevent click to acces link href
function windowPreventOpening() {
jQuery(this).click(function(event) {
// Function that open new window for Match Details
function windowOpenMatch(match_id, leagueLogo, fixturesDate, countryName, leagueName, homeTeam, awayTeam) {
sessionStorage.setItem('matchDetailsKey', match_id);
if (leagueLogo != '') {
sessionStorage.setItem('leagueLogo', leagueLogo);
var generatedLink = countryName+'/'+leagueName+'/'+homeTeam+'-vs-'+awayTeam+'/'+fixturesDate+'/'+match_id;
var newGeneratedLink = generatedLink.replace(/\s/g,'-');
sessionStorage.setItem('fixturesDate', fixturesDate);
var WindowNW = window.open(
((typeof widgetMatchResultsLocation !== "undefined") ? widgetMatchResultsLocation.pluginHtmlUrl : 'widgetMatchResults.php')+'?'+newGeneratedLink+'',
"width=870, height=650");
// Function that open new window for League Info
function windowOpenLeagueInfo(league_id, league_name, leagueLogo) {
sessionStorage.setItem('leagueInfoKey', league_id);
sessionStorage.setItem('leagueInfoName', league_name);
if (leagueLogo != '') {
sessionStorage.setItem('leagueInfoLogo', leagueLogo);
var WindowNW = window.open(
"width=700, height=650");
// Function that comapare times
function naturalCompare(a, b) {
var ax = [],
bx = [];
a['time'].replace(/(\d+)|(\D+)/g, function(_, $1, $2) {
ax.push([$1 || Infinity, $2 || ""])
b['time'].replace(/(\d+)|(\D+)/g, function(_, $1, $2) {
bx.push([$1 || Infinity, $2 || ""])
while (ax.length && bx.length) {
var an = ax.shift();
var bn = bx.shift();
var nn = (an[0] - bn[0]) || an[1].localeCompare(bn[1]);
if (nn) return nn;
return ax.length - bx.length;
// Function that sort ascendent by league round
function groupSortingAsc(a, b) {
var ax = [],
bx = [];
a['league_round'].replace(/(\d+)|(\D+)/g, function(_, $1, $2) {
ax.push([$1 || Infinity, $2 || ""])
b['league_round'].replace(/(\d+)|(\D+)/g, function(_, $1, $2) {
bx.push([$1 || Infinity, $2 || ""])
while (ax.length && bx.length) {
var an = ax.shift();
var bn = bx.shift();
var nn = (an[0] - bn[0]) || an[1].localeCompare(bn[1]);
if (nn) return nn;
return ax.length - bx.length;
// Function that group by
var groupBy = function(xs, key) {
return xs.reduce(function(rv, x) {
(rv[x[key]] = rv[x[key]] || []).push(x);
return rv;
}, {});
// Function that sort by key descendent
function sortByKeyDesc(array, key) {
return array.sort(function(a, b) {
var x = a[key];
var y = b[key];
return ((x > y) ? -1 : ((x < y) ? 1 : 0));
// Function that sort by key ascendent
function sortByKeyAsc(array, key) {
return array.sort(function(a, b) {
var x = a[key];
var y = b[key];
return ((x < y) ? -1 : ((x > y) ? 1 : 0));
// Function that sort by key
function sortByKey(array, key) {
return array.sort(function(a, b) {
var x = a[key];
var y = b[key];
return ((x < y) ? -1 : ((x > y) ? 1 : 0));
// Function for Match Details css, js and widget activation
var isWidgetMatchResults = 0;
function initiateWidgetMatchResultsScript(widgetMatchResultsLocation, Widgetkey) {
if (isWidgetMatchResults == 0) {
isWidgetMatchResults = 1;
setTimeout(function() {
'Widgetkey': Widgetkey,
'match_id': (sessionStorage.getItem('matchDetailsKey') ? sessionStorage.getItem('matchDetailsKey') : ''),
'action': 'get_events',
'withoutDetails' : true
}, 1000);
// Function for League css, js and widget activation
var isWidgetLeague = 0;
function initiateWidgetLeagueScript(widgetLeagueLocation, Widgetkey) {
if (isWidgetLeague == 0) {
isWidgetLeague = 1;
function initiateWidgetLeague(widgetLeagueLocation, Widgetkey, league_id, league_name, leagueLogo) {
if (isWidgetLeague == 1) {
'Widgetkey': Widgetkey,
'league_id': league_id,
'league_name': league_name,
'leagueLogo': leagueLogo
// Function that get server time
var timeForFixtures = '';
var fiTFF = setInterval(function() {
if (typeof getTimeZone() != 'undefined') {
url: 'https://apiv3.apifootball.com/?',
cache: false,
data: {
action: 'get_data',
Widgetkey: Widgetkey,
timezone: getTimeZone()
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function(res) {
var formattedDate = new Date(res.datetime + "T00:00");
var d = formattedDate.getDate();
var m = formattedDate.getMonth() + 1;
var y = formattedDate.getFullYear();
timeForFixtures = y + '-' + (m < 10 ? '0' + m : m) + '-' + (d < 10 ? '0' + d : d);
}).fail(function(error) {
}, 10);
// Function that get local time
function getTimeZone() {
var offset = new Date().getTimezoneOffset(),
o = Math.abs(offset);
return (offset < 0 ? "+" : "-") + ("00" + Math.floor(o / 60)).slice(-2) + ":" + ("00" + (o % 60)).slice(-2);
// Function for Live Score css, js and widget activation
var isWidgetLiveScore = 0;
function initiateWidgetLiveScoreScript(widgetLiveScoreLocation, Widgetkey) {
if (isWidgetLiveScore == 0) {
isWidgetLiveScore = 1;
var fi = setInterval(function() {
if (jQuery('#widgetLiveScore-js').length > 0) {
'Widgetkey': Widgetkey,
'action': 'get_events',
'match_live ': '1',
'from': timeForFixtures,
'to': timeForFixtures,
'timezone': getTimeZone()
}, 10);
// Function that get calendar days for desktop
function getDateCalendar(liveScoreCalendarContainer, currentDate, getDateCalendar, dayNb, addSubstractSign) {
var ttCalendar = currentDate;
var dateCalendar = new Date(ttCalendar);
var newdateCalendar = new Date(dateCalendar);
if (addSubstractSign == 'addDateCalendar') {
newdateCalendar.setDate(newdateCalendar.getDate() + dayNb);
} else if (addSubstractSign == 'substractDateCalendar') {
newdateCalendar.setDate(newdateCalendar.getDate() - dayNb);
var ddCalendar = newdateCalendar.getDate();
var mmCalendar = newdateCalendar.getMonth() + 1;
var yCalendar = newdateCalendar.getFullYear();
var finalDay = (ddCalendar < 10 ? '0' + ddCalendar : ddCalendar) + '.' + (mmCalendar < 10 ? '0' + mmCalendar : mmCalendar) + '.' + yCalendar;
var finalDayClick = yCalendar + '-' + (mmCalendar < 10 ? '0' + mmCalendar : mmCalendar) + '-' + (ddCalendar < 10 ? '0' + ddCalendar : ddCalendar);
return jQuery('' + finalDay + '').prependTo(jQuery('#' + liveScoreCalendarContainer));
// Function that get calendar days for mobile
function getDateCalendarMobile(liveScoreCalendarContainer, currentDate, getDateCalendar, dayNb, addSubstractSign) {
var ttCalendar = currentDate;
var dateCalendar = new Date(ttCalendar);
var newdateCalendar = new Date(dateCalendar);
if (addSubstractSign == 'addDateCalendar') {
newdateCalendar.setDate(newdateCalendar.getDate() + dayNb);
} else if (addSubstractSign == 'substractDateCalendar') {
newdateCalendar.setDate(newdateCalendar.getDate() - dayNb);
var ddCalendar = newdateCalendar.getDate();
var mmCalendar = newdateCalendar.getMonth() + 1;
var yCalendar = newdateCalendar.getFullYear();
var finalDay = (ddCalendar < 10 ? '0' + ddCalendar : ddCalendar) + '.' + (mmCalendar < 10 ? '0' + mmCalendar : mmCalendar) + '.' + yCalendar;
var finalDayClick = yCalendar + '-' + (mmCalendar < 10 ? '0' + mmCalendar : mmCalendar) + '-' + (ddCalendar < 10 ? '0' + ddCalendar : ddCalendar);
return jQuery('').prependTo(jQuery('#' + liveScoreCalendarContainer));
function whatToPush(where, bookmaker, one, two) {
return where.push({
bookmaker: bookmaker,
one: ((typeof one != 'undefined') ? one : '' ),
two: ((typeof two != 'undefined') ? two : '' )